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Monday, December 28, 2009

Politics of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in 2010

BNP was loosing its ground right from the day Iyajuddin took the main chair of caretaker government, as it arose doubt and anger in the minds of citizens. Out of 150 million Bangladeshis no one was found suitable, acceptable to the nation, but Yajuddin. After that popularity is going down everyday. The  corruption of BNP leaders that was unveiled,shuttered the nation, even the hardcore supporters also astonished by the nature and volume of corruption. Even CI Sheets of relief were not spared from their greed. It was also revealed, as it had been apprehended, that the senior joint secretary Tarek Rahman was the team leader of this covetous leaders. After the election everybody thought that BNP will learn a good lesson from the horrible failure and discard all bad elements form the party and will review their friendship with Jamat. But to our bewilderment and frustration, we saw that Tareq was promoted to the post of senior vice president, which means  he will be the Top Leader or Pry-minister if BNP can win the next election. Promotion of Tareq also means that all the thugs of the BNP will be considered as real party man and will get preference over all others. Inclusion of S.K. Chowdhury in the permanent committee has given the massage to the young generation that BNP wants to play the role of Muslim Leage and shall be sympathized with war criminals. BNP has spoiled all hopes of its well wishers and it failed to understand the feelings and thought of young generation. No doubt that peoples are not happy with Awami Leage. But to defeat their politics BNP should be a more secular, more democratic and should be comprised of cleanest and finest people. not the psychophants of Tareq.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Shah Abdul Karim

I am happy that I got an invitation to write on Baul Shah Abdul Karim. Karin was quite known to me from my childhood. He frequently used to visit our village Baniyachong for attending musical function. I became his fan while I was a student of secondary school. I was very much fascinated for his Bichchedi Songs . But in course of time I cane to knew that he is not only an Aul Baul, he has been very much conscious about Social disorder. He attended Kagmari Conference as a disciple of Moulana Bhashni. His song Telchura is a famous song against new imperialists who want to steel our Oil and Gas Wealth.

Bniyachong at Liberation War

I wrote a book styled as MUKTIJUDDE BANIYACHONG which was published by ITTADI GRANTHA PROKASH, Dhaka,  receently. This book is devided into 19 chapters which covered almost all major incidence. In addition this book also provide lists of Pakistani Collaborators and Razakars. This book became very much popular s soon as it was published. Udichi Baniyachong branch yesterday (6 December 2009) gave me warm recieption for writting this book. I am so overwhelmed for this honour.